Pra Master

Pra Master

PROGRESS provides Pre-Master training program (trainingszentrum) in Indonesia and Germany for the student, generally including :

Service Program in Indonesia :

  1. Consultation, Guidance and Application.
  • Psychological Tes, Consultation to choice the major and the submission of Pre-University application from (8 Studienkolleg), and document translation into Germany .
  1. Super Intensive Plus German Language School Program and Examination.
  • Training of super intensive German Language School Program and Examination of level A1 – B2 (560 lessons)
  • DSH Preparation Test ( German Examination to enter University)
  • Official TELC (The Europe Language Certificates ) test in Jakarta
  1. Bureaucracy
  • Offer letter arrangement from Germany
  • Student’s Bank Account application arrangement in Deutsche Bank.
  • Study Visa Application arrangement.
  1. Workshop
  • Cultural workshop and 8 other workshop themes.
  1. Pre Departure
  • Flight ticket , airport tax and baggage arrangement and assistance to Germany.

Service Program in Germany :

  1. Shuttle and Assistance.
  • Shuttle in Airport amd assistance to imigration and quick tour araound the city until the accomodation premies.
  • Full day assistance with professional mentor for 2 (two) months in Germany.
  1.  Bureaucracy
  • Domicile permit arrangement, insurance, tranportation and confirmation of activation of the Deutsche Bank account of the Students in Germany.
  • Report about students to Indonesian Embassy document legalization and translation for Conselor in German Embassy, and study visa prolongation in Germany.
  1. Application and Assistance.
  • Enrollment in Universities in Germany.
  • The Guidance and assistance in matriculation of the students in the University in Germany.
  1.  Pre Departure

Cultural Workshop and 8 other workshop.


