Pre Ausbildung

Pre Ausbildung

PROGRESS provides Pre  Ausbildung training program (trainingszentrum) in Indonesia and Germany for the student, generally including :

Service Program in Indonesia :

  1. Intensive Plus German Language School Program
  • A1 – B2 German Language.
  1. Bureaucracy
  • Enrollment to the Nursing Institute and workpalce.
  • Workshop Traing center.
  1. Pre-Departure
  • Flight ticket , airport tax and baggage arrangement and assistance to Germany.

Service Program in Germany :

  1. Shuttle and Assistance
  • Shuttle in Airport amd assistance to imigration and quick tour araound the city until the accomodation premies.
  • Acknowladgement of certifcate and assistance during working/ internship in workplace.

Workshop and Training Center
