Australia has always been a fantastic place to further education and prepare for a prosperous career. The Vocational Education Training (VET) in Australia has become a popular program that produces skilled graduates who are ready to work, particularly since the signing of the IA-CEPA agreement (the Indonesian collaboration and Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement) between the Indonesian and Australian governments.
The following are the reasons why VET (Vocational Education Training) in Australia is needed by Indonesian students, particularly during the pandemic era:
- Geographically, Australia is the most popular and welcoming country for Indonesian students seeking education and experience abroad.
- Australia is currently the third most popular destination for international students in the English-speaking world, behind the United States and the United Kingdom.
- Australia has multicultural diversity and a beautiful landscape.
- The VET (Vocational Education Training) in Australia is in line with the ASEAN Economic Community’s (MEA) requirement for experts, so graduates will be better prepared to face the MEA (Masyarakat Economy ASEAN).
- The quality of VET (Vocational Education Training) in Australia is widely recognized internationally, so graduates have a better chance of getting hired.
- Vocational education prepares more job-ready graduates than degree programs (Classes are focused on a practical approach rather than theoretical).
- While studying vocational programs in Australia, students can earn AUD 20 / hour x 20 hours per week on a part-time basis.
- For international students, Vocational Education Training (VET) is one of the first steps in the process of obtaining a permanent residence visa in Australia.
The vocational program can be completed in a relatively short time and at a lower cost.
The alumni of Vocational Program in Australia can continue their study to Bachelor, Master and PhD.
Australia’s VET sector is based on partnerships between government and industry. Progress Prima Pendidikan Foundation collaborates with Australian government educational institutions to provide vocational education and training in Indonesia and Australia.
Services in Indonesia :
Workshop and Training Center
- Language Training & Travel (General English, IELTS preparation, English for Academic Purpose / EAP)
- Vocational Course/ Bridging program/pathway to higher education (Cert III Programs in virtual/online learning)
- Bureaucracy guidance in the arrangement of Visa and Insurance.
- Academic consultation, enrolment to a vocational program etc.
- Flight service
Services in Australia :
- Shuttle in Airport and semi-private professional guidance program.
- Accommodation at Apartment
- Bureaucracy: Domicile permit arrangement, Insurance
- Vocational Course / Training (Cert IV, Diploma).